This website describes a fully-annotated corpus of spontaneous speech dialogues for children engaged in a collaborative ‘spot-the-difference’ picture task (DiapixUK; Baker & Hazan, 2011) in good and intelligibility-challenging conditions. It is the output of the ESRC-funded project Speaker-controlled Variability in Children’s Speech in Interaction [RES-062-23-3106]. The full audio corpus and TextGrid files are available on request at theOSCAAR archive, which is run by the Speech Communication Research Group at Northwestern University. Further detail on the aims of our study, the procedure and the participants can be found in the navigation bar on the left.
Here, users have free access to the full conversation transcripts with time stamps to give potential users of the audio corpus a better understanding of the types of dialogues recorded within the corpus and to make the corpus easily available to researchers interested in linguistic analysis.
The transcripts are searchable under the criteria of age, gender and test condition. The search returns a list of transcripts matching the criteria, as well as the possibility to preview or download the transcripts in text format.